When was the last time you cooked or ate the above?
I soaked the beans for about 4 hours while I made bread and cherry jam today.
I started to cook the beans until medium soft then added a grated potatoe, large onion, green sweet pepper and some ham. These are all grated (in my little chopper)
I added some italian seasoning, yeast flakes, garlic powder, blk pepper, ground red pepper, pinch of cummin and rosemary. I don't add the salt until last when the beans are soft....after it's done I add 1 tabl of venigar...the venigar just gives it a kick, you don't taste it, it just does something. The beans are thick and delicious.
I can't wait to try this Cherry Jam as I can't eat the cherries fresh. I am alergic to them, but cooked I can eat to my hearts content.
The bread will be done in 15 minutes. Here it is rising, 30 minutes to go but that was a good while ago, it's almost done.
For the bread I put raisens, blueberries, cherries, cranberries in a pot to just reach boiling point and turn off.
After the yeast rises, I add water to the reconstituded fruit and add all of that to the yeast along with the molasses. I grind some flax and add oatmeal, rye flour, whole wheat flour and regular four and mix it all up and let it rise 2 hours and punch down and put in loaf pans and let rise another 1 1/2 hours and then bake at 350 for 45 minutes or so.
I made a huge spring salad earlier.
Yesterday, I made a mess of hamburgers and cookies...I am done now for a while lol......I'm going to go work on my projects now.... will post as I go along.....keep tuned.
Our family has passed down a soup called "Eddie Fisher's Lima Bean Soup". It calls for cut up chicken, lima beans, carrots, celery, onion, garlic, chicken broth, salt and pepper. When it's cooked we add 1 package of frozen chopped spinach and warm it up. It's delicious.