
Friday, October 30, 2009


I have finished the quilt. It is all quilted and the binding is a self binding. I think I like doing that instead of going through all the hassle of doing an extra binding. The extra fabric is there already.

All you have to do is, cut the exta fabric off the quilt leaving one inch of fabric and batting. Now cut off 1/2 inch of the batting. Now fold the fabric once over and then again onto the quilt front. The half inch batting left inside will stuff the binding and make it look nice..

Tuck the corners very neatly by folding down the triangle piece in the corner twice and butting the two ajoining seams close to it and pin. Now sew it all around, doing the same treatment to the other three corners. It looks good to me..yipeeee, no more binding. I don't see any difference, except that the seam of the binding is on the front instead of on the back and you can do a better job on it as you can see it as you sew. Oh use you quilting foot that makes the fabric feed good.

The back has the three kings on their camel. I don't know if you can see it clearly.
The quilt has a very calming effect.